Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Press Release
August 10, 2007
No. 07-025
Contact:Mokie Porter301-996-0901
VVA To Welcome ThousandsAt Anniversary Parade For The Wall
(Washington, D.C.) – Vietnam Veterans of America is sponsoring a 25th Anniversary Parade celebrating and commemorating the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Saturday, November 10, on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
“We’re expecting the largest gathering of veterans in Washington since the dedication of The Wall in 1982,” said VVA National President John Rowan. “We are inviting veterans of all wars to join us as we honor the men and women who served our nation during the Vietnam War.”
The festivities will begin at 10:00 a.m. with star-studded Opening Ceremonies at the parade’s starting point on the Mall at 7th Street between Jefferson and Madison Drives. The parade will step off at 11:00 a.m. It will consist of individual participants, including many prominent Vietnam veterans from all walks of life; military vehicles; floats; motorcyclists; and marching bands from around the country. The parade will end at the Washington Monument Grounds, where participants will take part in a variety of events, including unit reunions.
“We are issuing a special, open invitation to everyone who served in the military during the Vietnam War era,” Rowan said. “Come and join us in Washington in a landmark event.”
Application forms for individuals and groups who would like to join the parade are available at or by calling toll free 877-727-2333.
Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) is the nation's only congressionally chartered veterans service organization dedicated to the needs of Vietnam-era veterans and their families. VVA's founding principle is “Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another.”

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